Monday, 19 May 2014

Welcome to our EcoKids Blog!

I invite you to share your ideas on how "you" show that you love the Earth!


  1. I will start us off by sharing one of the ways that I show I love the Earth. I always think of ways that I can reuse something before I put it in the recycling bin. I also formed the EcoKids Club at St. Bede School. How about you?

    1. i try to pick up litter, bottles and other stuff. i also tell people to not litter and put it in a bag pr your pocket.

    2. I always try to put my paper towels in the recycling instead of the garbage.

    3. I also always try to put my paper towels in the recycling

    4. I am so excited about this initiative! We are really making a difference in the amount of materials that are going to the landfill! Way to go St. Bede! Be sure to remind everybody to bring their paper towels back to the recycling bin in their classroom!

  2. You can show you love the earth by recycling and picking up trash if you see any. You can also recycle paper towels.

    1. some ways to show you love the earth are
      1. plant a tree
      2.go outside

    2. We planted 3 new trees in our backyard on the weekend. I am excited to see how fast they grow! You are so right, Ogoma, about being outside. There are way too many people staying inside on their electronics instead of spending time outside! Have you heard about the "Nature Deficit" Syndrome?

    3. yes i have. nature deficit syndrome is when you dont spend much time outside ecause maybe your scared or something.

  3. I Love the earth by using the three R's like reducing the amount of waste being thrown out each year, reusing items before throwing them in the recycle bin and picking up plastic bottles and cans and putting them in a bag to take to the bottle depot. I hope that all of you will do it to!

    1. that is a good idea I try to follow those rules to

    2. Great rules to live by when you are interested in making a difference in the world. I wonder how many people think about things like how to reuse something before recycling? What do you guys think?

  4. I have an idea !!! We can use old tin cans ( from like mushrooms or tomatoes ) and you can make a pencil holder with it ! you can decorate it any way you want ! Its really fun . Did you know that in America about 1,500 tin cans are thrown away per second ?!?!?!
    Crazy right ?!?!

    1. That hurts my heart to think that people are throwing recyclables out into the garbage. I like your idea of making pencil holders out of tin cans. Our project for next year with EcoKids is to reuse items - maybe we can raise lots of money to adopt endangered animals! What do you think?

  5. In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history. U.S. EPA, 2009. Sustainable Materials Management: The Road Ahead. My family and my I try to not waste paper by using both sides.

    1. Does your class have a bin where paper that is used on one side is placed for everyone to use before recycling? We have a bin full of paper in our classroom.I am happy to say that it is being used a lot by my grade 2's!

  6. I recycled plastic bottles and juice boxes and other things because they can all be recycled

    1. Voke - do you know where the recycling depot sends the cans and juice boxes to be remade? Also what they use the materials for once they are processed? I wonder if there is a video that we could watch to show us.

  7. i also think i should do the same and try to be more Eco - friendly. i will try to not use to to much water when washing my hands. i will also try to help the trees by not using to much paper :)

    1. Shanille, it is so important to set a goal to be Eco friendly. Good for you! What is the #1 thing that you think you can do as a family or just for yourself?

  8. I love to draw so when I use a rough copy, I always use both sides of the paper if I want to scrap an idea. Camping allows you to see how beautiful nature is when it isn't polluted. We can wish, hope, and change the world so everywhere looks like your camping. How many times have you camped?

    1. I have a trailer , so I camp all the time !!! I went last weekend

    2. My family and I used to camp all the time now we have a cottage in NB where we have an acre of trees and open land. I love watching the birds and other small animals. I am so happy to hear that you use both sides of paper to reduce your impact!

  9. I recycle a lot with my family. Its mostly important to me because I love helping the earth and I really want to help endangered animals.

    1. Me to , I hope the grizzly bears don't go extinct . Just remember to put your juice boxes in Mrs . Belangers bin outside her classroom!!!

    2. You should be proud of your dedication to help endangered animals/ I hope that we are able to adopt a few animals for the EcoKids Club this year. We need to get more recycling into the bin!

  10. My family sometimes uses plastic water bottles and if we do we always refill it when we need to, so we don't have to buy new ones.

    1. I don't know the statistics off hand but I do know that plastic water bottles are hard on the environment even when recycled so I am very happy to hear that your family reuses the bottles that you have. Refilling water bottles is a big help to the environment. Way to go!

  11. You and your family can help save the earth by using both sides of the paper you can also make crafts with recycled pop cans and more, don't forget to tell friends and family about this blog!

    1. Thanks Mikhaila! I think that it would be great to have friends and family share their ideas in our environmental blog! Sharing ideas will really help us all to make a difference.

  12. when there is no garbage can put litter in your pocket.

    1. Great idea Emily - Mrs. Litzenberger suggests that people put small pieces of litter in their sock until they find a recycling bin! I think that's another good suggestion!

  13. when people litter and you see it you don't have to tell them to pick it up you can pick it up yourself

    1. I agree! Sometimes people get upset when they are told what to do. We have to be careful not to appear bossy! I do think that it is important to share our concerns!

  14. conserve water
    recycle paper, cans,plastic
    remember to turn off the lights
    use recyclable bins
    use canvas recyclable bgs

    1. Ogoma do you have to remind your siblings to be good to the Earth or do they care as much as you?

  15. Hey yesterday we planted our own vegetables and flowers using recyclable materials to protect them from the wind on our hill.

    1. Did you do that at your house Samantha or at school? It sounds really cool - tell me more!

  16. Hey, is anyone still on this?
